Silly headlines: dead funny

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About robertstevenson

Dr. Robert Stevenson is a Professor of Journalism and Director of Student Publications for the Department of Mass Communications and Theater at Lander University in Greenwood, SC. He received the Distinguished Faculty of the Year award for 2007-'08, and the Lander University Young Faculty Scholar Award in 2005-06. Stevenson also serves as chair of the Lander University American Democracy Project. First and Formost I am a dad of two wonderful boys.
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34 Responses to Silly headlines: dead funny

  1. Now that is funny. Wonder which editor got fired over that one? haha.
    Rob are you in the Raleigh area? I am also.

    Political Disgust @

  2. Lily Boynton says:

    you remain dead!!! LOL

  3. 4ever7 says:

    Wow, this headline just made my day!

  4. Lisa says:

    Oh my goodness…this is so funny. Maybe we should consider the existance of vampires and zombies. What do you think?

  5. I know. It just killed me when I read it the first time.

  6. Steve says:

    What were they really trying to say?

  7. Clever women can observe the IQ of a woman by the headline of her newspaper.

    This headline is a proof that the readers of this paper do not care about their intellect at all.

  8. Reese Allen says:

    This is photoshopped. The text is too straight, its color is too uniform, and it’s slightly tilted from how the surrounding lines are oriented.

  9. Robin Hak says:

    Reese and Pierre: I doubt that the picture is photoshopped. These headline mistakes happen all the time. There are even books with collections of bad headlines.

  10. corey says:


  11. @robin says:


    Uh, no, it’s definitely a Photoshop. I can tell from the pixels, and from seeing quite a few shops in my time. Note how the paper/photo grain is blurred behind the headline, where he/she cleared away the old headline. Also notice how the new headline is itself blurred and in an inconsistent perspective with the rest of the photo. Definitely 100% a Photoshop.

    That said, I still laughed. 🙂

  12. Maybe... says:

    maybe the shooting spree happened in a morgue, in which the gunman shot 17 cadavers. And, well remained dead… ????

  13. Fusty says:

    This is shopped folks, Seen it before. If I can find a dupe of it elsewhere before I conk out I’ll repost.

  14. charlie says:

    Won’t someone just google “17 remain dead in morgue shooting spree”

  15. Mandie says:

    Shopped or not, it is pretty much the only instance in which laughing about a shooting spree is socially acceptable:)

  16. A.Ho says:

    LOL pun intended i guess

  17. secchan says:

    Rofl. Thats classic

  18. jdeax says:

    Interesting headline, how does one come up with that?

  19. Add my vote to the list who say this is a fake. Sure there are a lot of dumb headlines out there, but this one is just so obviously a photoshop – and a poor job at that.

  20. Mike Bryant says:

    So it’s old… it’s still funny…

  21. eeegeek says:

    And here I thought the funny part was the Microsoft one. 😉

  22. buddyscalera says:

    I used to work as a newspaper reporter. Sometimes you write a headline and hope that it gets past the editor. Sometimes an editor just wants to shake things up a little and have some fun.

    And if it’s not real, eh, it still made me smile!


  23. blubchoc says:

    Photoshopped or not, it still is dead funny.

  24. claysol13 says:

    haha thats awesome…

  25. kanadra says:

    i just love it when things like that slip through.

  26. Zach Coulter says:

    Who called the fun police? This is quite amusing, Photoshopped or not. Well done!

  27. Sometimes you just have to be clear. I mean, not everyone remains dead. Several who had died did not “remain dead”, though all but one of them died again. Lazarus, for example, dead for four days did not “remain dead”. “Why is it thought incredible by any of you that God raises the dead?” (Acts 26:8). Jesus Christ did not remain dead but will remain alive forever. He is the guarantee that those who love him will not “remain dead”. In fact, he declared, “Do not marvel at this, for an hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment” (John 5:28-29). So in the final analysis, none of us will “remain dead”.

  28. Noscere says:

    Microsoft breakup wont be perused….. I dont get it, whats so funny?

  29. Ducker says:

    Them zombies are going to bust a cap in themselves….I too wonder which editor got fired and kicked in the butt as compliment for letting that one slide….morgue shooting spree LOL!!!

  30. oh my!!!!!!!!!

    I guess we know who sees ‘dead people’ after all.

    Poor editor. Probably flipping burgers somewhere now as we speak!

  31. Jones says:

    Strange place for a shooting spree.

  32. Sam says:

    That is rather sad for the family of these deceased people.
    Undiagnosed Illness

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