Silly Signs 36: You can’t exit this road

Sometimes we all just want the world to stop spinning so fast, so we can get off and get away from it all. Rob’s Megaphone has uncovered one reason why so many people have a hard time exiting the rat race.  Check out these silly exits signs:



What are cruise ships doing on the highway anyway?
And why are they being directed to the airport?


If the cruise ships use the airport exits, I guess this is the exit for airplanes. 


 For the quickest route, be sure to take the new exit 3, not the old exit 3.



Bus stop: wait here. But bring a snack, you’ll be waiting a long time


Exit south on I-95 is for off-road vehicles only.

You have reached the end of the world. You must now turn around.

I hope Rob’s Megaphone is one of your favorite exits for silly signs on the information super highway.

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About robertstevenson

Dr. Robert Stevenson is a Professor of Journalism and Director of Student Publications for the Department of Mass Communications and Theater at Lander University in Greenwood, SC. He received the Distinguished Faculty of the Year award for 2007-'08, and the Lander University Young Faculty Scholar Award in 2005-06. Stevenson also serves as chair of the Lander University American Democracy Project. First and Formost I am a dad of two wonderful boys.
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15 Responses to Silly Signs 36: You can’t exit this road

  1. Outside My Brain says:

    LOL – Those are all funny… I especially like Exit #3 – HA!

  2. I didn’t know cruise ships had wheels!

  3. OBA says:

    South 95 looks like it leads to some of our side roads LOL


  4. ANP says:

    The exit 3 sign is the from the Maine Turnpike. The formerly Exit X signs were put up before the signs were changed to their current designation as the mile marker they are at. So, for a short time this occured.

  5. timethief says:

    Unbelievably unreliable signage. 😛

  6. DeadRooster says:

    Maybe the cruise ships should start using the exit where the road ends in the lake.

  7. Yeeesh, no wonder driving makes me head pound.

  8. Thanks for the giggles!

    Mark David

  9. Steph says:

    Oh, I wish I’d have taken a picture of the detour sign I saw once (incidentally, while following said detour).

    “Detour, follow arrow.”

    The arrow pointed at a cornfield. -_-

    By the way, I found your blog on and since I see you’re into writing, I wanted to let you know about a new e-zine that me and a few writer friends are putting together.

    It’s called The Oddville Press.

    You should check us out if you’re interested–or better yet, submit something!

    Thanks a bunch!

  10. Theresa111 says:

    It’s 2:45 AM here and I am laughing so that I am about to wet myself. Where did you get these? Ha ha ha ha 🙂

  11. I really enjoyed that! Especially the last one…

  12. shahmir says:

    Men…the exit 3 is something…like it. Why the autorities not notice about it!!!


  13. Daisy says:

    These are great! Thanks for the laugh, Rob! 😀

  14. Nards says:

    Again, I had a great time at “Rob’s Theme Park”! I’ll be back soon! Whee!!!!- Nards

  15. Anonymous says:

    They took down the cruise ships use airport exit 😦

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